Today`s importance of an European Corporate Learning Award
From “Subprime Knowledge” to meaningful Life Long Learning
One lesson from the financial and economic crisis seems to be that not everyone
wants to learn from it. Procedures, behaviour and regulations associated with
causing the crisis seem to be pretty much the same afterwards. This ought to give
rise to some questions. Companies employing best educated professionals and
claiming to be outstanding in their knowledge acted in a way that almost lead to
complete economic collapse. Greed and irresponsible behaviour do not sufficiently
explain the structural deficits that also are linked with the question of how to deal with
knowledge and learning. The same goes for the Lisbon Agenda. It is not enough to
take note of the fact of not having achieved the ambitious goals of the EU of
becoming the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the
Both, the dissatisfactory Lisbon process and the obvious interdependency of crisis
and shortcomings in institutionalized knowledge and learning frameworks make one
thing evident: It is not just about lack of money and about doing the same things just
more vigorously. It is the challenge to focus on new concepts of transdisciplinary
learning that allows for better judgment. This incorporates the need for efficiently
producing substantial results but does not mistake it for just gaining credit points or
for thoughtlessly delivering according to demanded figures.
The Leonardo Award will honour meaningful efforts that overcome knowledge
merely restricted to short-term solutions and learning concepts that similar to the
subprime crisis might be referred to as “subprime knowledge”.
More to learn about Leonardo European Award for Corporate Learning
*) Ursula Schneider, Austrian Professor, prime mover in Knowledge Management strategies